“STATISTICS AND ITS ROLE IN SUPPORTING STANDARDIZATION ACTIVITIES” seminar has been held in Riyadh in the 26th of December in cooperation with the GCC Standardization Organization GSO and The Statistical Center for the Cooperation Council of the Arab Countries of the Gulf.
The seminar aims to enhance cooperation and effective partnership between GSO and GCC-STAT as well to activate the terms of the MOU signed between the two sides with the aim of building working relations in the field of statistical and standardization activities that will enhance the work of both sides and develop cooperation to achieve common goals.
In addition, it will focus on the statistical status of the GCC countries, its various activities and areas of work, as well as a working paper on the role of statistics in supporting the various standardization activities, as well as discussing the action plan for 2019 between GSO and GCC-STAT.
It should be noted that GSO and GCC-STAT signed a MOU on 17/02/2016 in Muscat with the aim of building working relations and co-operation in the field of statistical, standardization and other related activities, as well as exchanging experiences, working to provide statistical information and data in a way that serves the work of the parties, to provide databases on the volume of exports and imports in the trade exchange, and information on industry, including small and medium industries (SMEs). In addition, finding a mechanism to obtain statistical data related to accidents and consumer complaints arising from inadequate performance, and safety of products and services offered in the GSO Member Countries’ markets in cooperation with authorized and interested parties.