International Cooperation

GSO seeks to strengthen and sustain cooperation relations with its partners in order to exchange expertise and transfer international knowledge and practices in the field of standardization and related activities and to link and integrate the work programs of the GSO and Member States with those of relevant Parties. Therefore, GSO has signed a number of Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) and Technical Cooperation Agreements with Standardization Bodies at National, Regional, and International levels. These MoUs and agreements open the door for cooperation to facilitate the exchange of information and support alignment and harmonization in the framework of ISO,IEC, and ITU and may entail technical cooperation as a complementary means to foster alignment.

List of all MoUs

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MOUs’ Objectives

  • Strengthen cooperation and coordination relations with international, regional and national standardization organizations.
  • Establish productive working relationships and cooperation with these organizations.
  • Utilizing GSO activities and services and exchanging experiences and coordination with them.
  • Transfer of best and practical international knowledge and practices that benefit the GSO and Member States.
  • To reflect the image of the GSO represented by its members at the international level.
  • Linking and integrating the work programs of the GSO and Member States with the programs of the relevant parties.

Strategic Outcomes

  • Supporting trade exchange.
  • avoiding efforts duplicate in the standard setting process.
  • Achieve compatibility and harmony in the field of technical standards, technical regulations and conformity verification procedures applicable to both parties on an international basis in line with the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
  • Knowledge transfer, training and information exchange.
  • The conclusion of free trade agreements between GCC countries on the one hand and major countries and international economic groups on the other, with a view to removing trade barriers.

Fields of MoUs Implementation

  • At Regional and National levels through their work and inclusion in the technical work of the various committees involved.
  • Negotiations for the establishment of free trade zones, which rely mainly on the TBT and SPS Conventions.
  • Joint bilateral economic commissions between Member States and their trading partners.

The MoUs and Technical Cooperation Agreements are activated and utilized through:

For technical cooperation programs and more enquiries, please contact us:



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