Gulf Standard (GSO Standard) : A document approved by the Technical Council which sets for the normal and repeated use the rules, instructions or characteristics of the relevant products, processes and methods of production, the compliance of which is not mandatory, and may include or specifically examine terms, definitions, Labeling or labeling applicable to products, processes or production methods. The standard shall ensure that the specific purpose of the good or service is achieved through the development of technical requirements and quality control procedures and systems to satisfy the product or service in accordance with the requirements that satisfy the desires of the users and in line with the potential of the producers and service providers taking into account user safety and protection from fraud or deception.

Draft Standard (DS) : A draft GSO that is prepared, updated or adopted by an international, regional or foreign standard.

Final Draft Standard (FDS) : Draft Gulf standard for approval after passing all stages.

Gulf Technical Regulation : A document approved by the Board of Directors that lays down the specifications of the products and the relevant processing operations and the production methods, including the applicable administrative provisions to be adhered to. The Regulation may include or examine in particular the terms, definitions, packing and the marking or labelling requirements to be applied to the products, operations or the methods of production.

Increase the competitiveness of products and services and to meet the requirements according to the latest production methods and technology in various fields.

Removal of technical barriers to trade and increasing trade exchange between GSO Member States as well as business partners from outside the Member States.

Protect the consumer through standards that set and determine acceptable and internationally recognized levels of quality for goods and products.

Standardization of concepts and technical applications between Member States, which contributes to creating a common language among Gulf manufacturers.

The GSO standards and TRs are developed as follow :

  • The Working Group of the Technical Committee or Sub-Committee (or the Member State in charge of the project) to prepare a proposal (draft) preliminary draft (CD) and submitted (electronically on the GSO website) to the Secretary of the Committee for presentation to the members of the Committee to reach agreement on the initial draft standard (DS).
  • The Secretariat of the Technical Committee or Subcommittee will load the initial draft standard (DS) agreed in by clause (1), to be available to the Member States of the Committee accompanied by the report shows the basic references used in the preparation, and a presentation of its history, its objectives and its justifications, and at the same time the inclusion of the project on the home page of GSO website Embedded link (draft standards in the distribution phase) to allow the different agencies to comment on the project within the specified time period to receive feedback.
  • A study Conducted of the initial project (and comments received thereon) by the Member States and are presented Comments and Discussion thereon within the time limit for comments to be reached to support the majority of members, and provides technical notes using the electronic form allocated for this process.

Conformaity is the testing to determine whether a product or system or just a medium complies with the requirements of a specification, contract or regulation. This may apply to various technical terms as well as to pure formal terms with respect to obligations of the contractors. Conformity assessment, also known as compliance assessment,is any activity to determine, directly or indirectly, that a process, product, or service meets relevant technical standards and fulfills relevant requirements.

Conformity assessment activities may include:

  1. Testing
  2. Surveillance
  3. Inspection
  4. Auditing
  5. Certification
  6. Accreditation

The conformity marking for the GCC countries indicates the compliance of the manufacturer or his representative with all the requirements of the product according to the technical regulation issued by the standardization organization for the GCC countries and related to placing this mark so the meaning of conformity is not restricted to the technical requirements related to safety, public health and environment. Whereas specific regulation may impose specific commitments that are not necessarily part of the principal requirements.

General Committee for Standards : A committee emerged from the Technical Council to conduct tasks and functions assigned to it.

Technical Committee (TC) : The Technical Committee formed by GSO to prepare standards for a sector of standards.

Sub-Committee (SC) : A committee emerged from a Technical Committee to conduct tasks and functions assigned to it within the program of this Technical Committee.

Working Group (WG) : A limited number of experts group formed by the Technical Committee members designated in their personal capacity to carry out specific tasks.

Working Member : The standardizing body participating in any technical or subsidiary committee shall have the right to vote.

Observer Member : A standardization agency that has expressed the desire to be informed of the work of the Committee and has no right to vote.



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